School Resources


We produce a number of FREE resources for schools, intended for use with Key Stage 2 and above; they can also be used in lower secondary as the content is flexible enough to allow the teacher to prompt deeper discussion.

These resources directly address the central ‘British Values’ issues of tolerance and respect (including both ethnicity and religion) as well as prompting debate about the rule of law and democracy. They support pupils’ SMSC development through directly engaging with moral and cultural issues, using the stories of the past to prompt discussion about British life today. For schools in Nottinghamshire, Lincolnshire and North or North-East Lincolnshire they also provide great History local study opportunities for seeing how individuals from these areas have played significant roles in society. Because they also look at the influence of religion on individuals’ lives they are effective resources for RE as well. But most of all, they provide an integrated way of approaching all these subject areas!


Persecution because of religion led the ‘Pilgrims’ to leave England in 1608 and then to cross the Atlantic on the ‘Mayflower’ in 1620, to start the new colonies in New England. This is a role-play game for groups to play against each other in a class, managed by the teacher. It explores the challenges and problems they faced, which pupils must work together to manage. A points system means you can have the fun of groups competing to see who is best!

The resource also explores the issues of tolerance and persecution, pointing out that the New Englanders themselves persecuted others – which is why you also need to look at our ‘Price of Freedom’ resource. Of local significance for those in Notts/Lincs as well as national importance.

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The Price Of Freedom – Thomas Helwys

Thomas Helwys, from a Nottinghamshire/Lincolnshire family still present in the area today, was a religious radical in the early 1600s who died in prison because of his belief that there should be no laws controlling religious belief. His ideas influenced both the American Constitution, the UN declaration of Human Rights – and eventually even British Values! This is a lively, thought-provoking look at his life that enables teachers to deliver a fascinating sequence of lessons.

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Thomas Helwys Adventure Game

The 'Black Prince' of Scunthorpe

Hatashil or ‘Salim’ Wilson had an extraordinary life that took him from being the son of a tribal prince in Sudan to probably the first black man in Scunthorpe and a wedding to a white woman that was filmed for Pathé News. On the way he saw the slaughter of his family, slavery and forced religious conversion, prejudice and ignorance. This fascinating telling of his life story will engage all pupils in issues that go to the heart of the British Values debate.

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The Black Prince of Scunthorpe